A deep dive foundational course to help you sign premium clients online as a new coach, strategist, consultant, or service provider and build a profitable online business that brings consistent income.

In the last few years of working with many clients, I've come across so many of you who have been wanting to turn your expertise into a profitable online business but are unable to do that because you feel like you...

• Don't know where to start

• Want to sign premium clients but not sure how to REALLY do that

• Want to charge higher but not sure how to implement it

• Don't have a solid strategy on how you turn your audience into paying customers

• Are unsure about what content to create

Or you may have been giving so much value but are yet to know how to monetize that. It can be overwhelming at times when you see so much information online and yet still...

➝ feel like a beginner or go down the hole of comparing yourself to other experts

➝ feel like you're consistently showing up but nothing is happening

➝ feel unsure how you can generate leads and attract clients

➝ are worried that you launch and start marketing but nobody actually buys from you

➳ are a coach or service provider (or aspiring to be one)

➳ want to have a clear direction on how to package, price, and sell your expertise online

➳ would like to know exactly what content to create in order to attract quality leads into your space

➳ want to stop chasing clients and instead allow them to come to you

➳ are ready to charge premium prices and high-caliber clients

➳ have been wanting to show up and launch confidently

➳ want to have a solid strategy on how you can covert people into paying clients

➳ want to feel at ease knowing that you have a fool-proof system that can bring in consistent income into your business month after month

Confidence in marketing, selling, and serving clients comes from knowing that you have a solid strategy in place and your tracks are covered. That's exactly what OBS is going to help you build step by step.

Effective does not mean complicated. Online Business Simplified simplifies the process for you through my signature 3-Pillar Framework - Solidify. Invite. Sell.

Click the button below and scroll to see the different modules inside the academy.

P.S. A total of 20 new videos, templates, and scripts are coming your way!

• 9 deepdive modules for a lifetime including all the updates

• Original templates, guides, sales scripts, workspace

• Members-only Facebook group where you can ask your questions and celebrate your wins + be with the other powerhouse members for 12 months

You're not the first one to go through this framework. OBS has been running as a case study for a full year and celebrated WINS inside.

You don't have to reinvent the wheel, and you don't have to do it on your own. You can choose to be supported and guided in your journey to building your dream profitable business.

Apply to join us inside OBS Academy.

How much is the investment?

The investment is $4500 pay in full.

Are there payment plans?

YES. The normal payment plan options are:

• $4500 pay in full

• 10 monthly payments of $500

 Is this for me?

This is for you if you are a done-for-you online service provider who'd like to master skills to sing premium clients and increase your income.

You can be a Social Media Manager, Podcast Editor, VA, etc.

Importantly, you must be willing to:

— have an idea of the service that you'd like to offer, we'll help you with the rest of the process

— dedicate at least 5-6 hours per week to learn and implement.

— are coachable and are ready to ditch excuses

How long will I have access?

You'll have access to everything for a full year - 12 months

Does it include 1:1 with Mae?

It doesn't include 1:1 access to Mae. Our highest earners and most successful members didn't need 1:1 to get to their desired goals.

The curriculum and constant support are designed to help you without the 1:1.

If you're specifically looking for 1:1, this is not the best program for you.

Is there a guarantee?

Any time you invest time and money to work with a coach, there’s a risk. Right?

What if it doesn’t work? What if it’s not as good as she said? What if it's just another program?

Because of the nature of online courses, I do not offer guarantees as a huge part of the success of your journey will rely on YOU.

Let’s look at the best and worst case scenarios, instead:

Best Case: over the next few months, you design a world-class signature offer. You get  leads. You sign clients. You add an extra $5k a month or MORE in recurring  revenue and more. You get new skills, a ton of confidence, and the systems we  install mean you can keep growing every month. 

That’s the best case. 

But what about the worst case?

Worst Case: what if it doesn’t work. Maybe you've implemented it all and you didn't see any traction, not a single lead nor interest. In this case, you'll come to us and we'll step forward to work out a special gameplan to help you until you get the flow going.

It is normal to feel this especially when you haven't invested in yourself before or have not seen others see results. We have done a couple of rounds of this case study before and have seen great results. See here to get an idea of what we've been able to do inside. If others were able to do these from 0, the likelihood is that you can, too.

If you're like many of the learners who work with us closely and want their goals bad, our journey together won't only get you a few premium clients, but level you up to consistent CASH months. This allows you to find stability in your business and be profitable month after month. No more feast and famine.

What exactly do we get access to inside OBS?

OBS is a full blown, 2 year-old program that has gone through several iterations and updates, you get:

— access to the 3-pillar framework portal

— access to the resource portal which opens after you've completed the framework lessons

— Weekly LIVE coaching calls

— 2 of these calls are NEW learnings/modules added to the portal each month called MONDAY MOMENTUM SESSIONS

— Members-only Facebook Group open for your questions 24/7

— Feedback circle (your sales page copy, captions, freebies.. They get our eyes and brains to come out sharp AF)

How do I make sure that this works for me?

There are 3 things that will help you speed this process up and come out of the first 90 days and the remaining months with the change that you want -

(1) humility and openness to learn;

(2) willingness to execute and be uncomfortable;

(3) communicating and asking for help

The people that are going to be inside the program are all pre-qualified and filtered to make sure that we welcome women who are perfect for this. OBS is made specifically for service-based entrepreneurs with similar goals. That is why we go through an application process.

All that will be taught inside are proven methods and have been tried and tested.

With the 3 things above and coming in with the right attitude will help you get the best out of this.

Finally, YOU GET AS MUCH AS YOU PUT IN. You will be in this program with the right mindset ready to have a DAY ONE, figure out the different strategies that feel good to you, and come up with your own gameplan.

Show up, ask for help where and when it is needed, don't say "I know this" so easily, and be a student, and let your new path unfold.

How fast can I see results, Mae?

Frankly, as fast as you want to. In this program, I am not holding anything back. The strategies that I used that have allowed me to build my business up for profit are all going to be available to you.

Also, inside this program, you will have access to a full academy that contains all the solid practical knowledge you need and can watch at your own time. You can learn from it and implement as soon as you want. Plus, our weekly calls and exclusive accountability community will be on full support behind you.

Not only that, I will NOT be giving you a “one size fits all” kind of framework. You and I will work together to see which strategy feels aligned to you. You will have to roll your sleeves up and execute but you and I will build you a plan that you will love and not feel forced doing. You are allowed to grow this business using strategies that feel good. It is not to say that things will be all comfortable, you will undergo change which takes adjustment but your game plan will be made considering your personality and preference.

We all have different timelines inside and we respect and honor that and that's another reason why this is not a magic 3-month program, because I know that real change take time as we build habits and adapt new ways.

I help freelancers and solo entrepreneurs build their brand and sign premium clients online.

©️ Mae Bornillo Coaching 2023